Thursday, November 8, 2012

Photo Dump - Ceramics

Well, it looks like I haven't updated anything here since I started classes at the art center so I guess I will just make this a huge image post.
 Also added my Etsy site where some of these pieces can be purchased.

 Two out of the most recent Kiln firing. First birdhouse which unfortunately had a little glaze run and the foot chipped when pulled from the shelf. Still perfectly useable for birds that aren't too picky about looks :D
 And my largest fired piece (am working on a slightly larger vase atm). Was supposed to be green with a little bit of rustiness, too much iron oxide I guess.

Pieces from previous firings.
 Slab built sake set, this one sold.
 Couple sake bottles.

Box, thrown as one piece then cut apart and cleaned.
 Cassarole set, a little small but it was fun.
 Random cups.
 Shino tests.

 Another sake set.
 Some slab trays...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ebay or not to Ebay?

 I decided to throw this up on ebay, first timer. Probably asking too much but I like it, not sure I really want to get rid of it anyway.

 Making quite a bit of progress in the new class at the Grand Junction Art Center. They have a great studio and staff. Taking a class under Terry Shepard, he's a great potter and his knowledge is vast. Ask a question about anything and he's got an in depth response. I'm amazed at the amount of stuff he handles there and he's got the kiln's going pretty steadily so I should have some more bisque ware and glaze stuff soon.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Slab work

 Starting a new class tomorrow at the Clay Center. Looking forward to it, in the mean time I have been doing a bit of slab work at home. All these pieces need fired now.

Tall box:
Wanted a really rough organic rocky texture. about 9 inches tall.

Can't wait to plant a cactus in this one. about 6 inches around.
 5 inch tall spiral vessel.

More Ceramics

 Let's see, some stuff I made in class...

Corporate Fertility Statue:
If Corporations are people my friend then who are their mothers?
 Originally started as an idea for a political cartoon (pregnant lady burping smoke in her doctors face...)
 Right at the end of class I decided to try and realize it in clay. I bit sloppy, but I wasn't even sure I was going to fire it, then someone else did... So I threw it in the soda kiln.
 Faceted Vase:
My first 'tall' piece, it's about 9 inches but it was REALLY thick, So I started carving. After taking about half of it away it is still heavy. Used a nice green glaze that breaks well.
 Spiral Vase:
 Getting the throwing down, need to work on other details. Got a really nice soda fire on it though.  Used a chun glaze and it was mid kiln, top was really close to a shelf so I got a really smooth even carbon trap around the rim. Chalk that up to luck, experience also, helped me see how kiln placement could have an effect on the piece.
 These went through the soda fire too. Raw claw, black and white slips. They were going to be square but left in the sun too long :(
 Never had a chance to alter them.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


 Taking ceramics class at Colorado Mountain College under HP Bloomer. Adding a link to his site, he's got some pretty impressive work.

 Myself, well I'm throwing and learning forms. Playing with some glazes... Here are a couple of my early pieces. All of these were thrown except the triangular vase which was a coil project. The brown glaze was supposed to be a yellow with brown on the edges, would have really complimented the piece but now, meh.

 The other two pieces will be glazed/fired soon.

 Working on some Lava Bowls, a fruity cocktail drink for two with a flaming volcano in the middle. First one is for the Tiki Central Pele Art Swap of 2012, glazed but not fired. The next two still need bisqued and glazed, hopefully will be done in a couple weeks, I plan to sell them.

updated Moai Island

I updated this painting quite awhile ago, might as well post it.